Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Profile of Lawrence by Shimon

Hailing from Cleveland, OH, to French and German parents, Lawrence Neil is a history major with an interest in hip hop, basketball and short stories, though by his admission he has yet to figure out how he will merge the two into a career.  As of two days ago, he is twenty-one years old.

Q:  Ever write a short story about baseketball?
A: Nope.
Q:  What’s your opinion of Lebron James, the former Cleveland Cavaliers player who very publicly left for Miami?
A:   Still makes me mad.
Q:  Tupac or Biggie?
A:  Biggie, though I have nothing against Tupac.  But I think if Biggie had been able to continue, he would have been more popular than Tupac.

(117 words...close!)

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